Monday, June 23, 2008

Mello Hello

Hey blog! Long time no see! OK, so I've never met you before... but I don't really think you have a choice. Today I was walking on my lawn after work and I discovered a robin egg. This got me to thinking about how mother birds push the younglings out of the nest whether they are ready or not. I think at the rate my life is going my mother is never going to push me out of the nest. That is why I'm glad to be a human, able to leap from the nest myself. Now if I could only work on Momma Bird and her persistant phone calls. I want to get out of here, but it's hard to think about how I would survive on my own. She is a clingy mother, but doesnt seem to know how to discipline. Let's just say that the raging parties my brother threw last year went unpunished. It is hard to tell parents how to be good parents though. I'm not saying my parents are horrible, it just seems like they have stopped caring about discipline and rules. I love them dearly. I really look forward to moving out and being with other people. I'm ready to jump out of the nest!

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