Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Star Wars Epicness Continue

So our neighbors across the street (Tony, Justin, and Melanie) are pretty much the coolest neighbors I have ever had, especially since they have in their possession "Star Wars: Epic Duels". After playing it twice now I am totally in love with game. The premise of the game is you choose a major character and a minor character(s). The first time I played I was Han Solo and Chewbacca in which I was the first one eliminated when Darth Maul eliminated both my characters in the same turn. Definitely a disappointment but it was enough to make me want to play again. Well we just finished another game in which I was Yoda. Yoda is all about being defensive and he is my favorite character so far because people pretty much kill themselves trying to take out Yoda. I think the "defensive strategy" is the one for me. Overall, a 10 out of 10 on my board game fun-ness scale.